Christian University Prefers Jobs to Jesus

January 15, 2010

Abilene Christian University has officially hailed Steve Jobs as “the second coming of our Lord” after integrating the miraculous iPhone into campus life. The classy device, which is known worldwide for performing incredible miracles in the palm of one’s hand and being, in many cases, more omniscient and benevolent than the Lord himself, is spreading like wildfire with nearly 50 percent of students and 97 percent of staff using the device. University administration has (literally) hailed the invention to be “at least three times more miraculous than walking on water,” and implied that Steve Jobs would have been “stiff competition” for Jesus Christ had they been alive at the same time.

Some have argued that teaching creationism on a device that is the result of thousands of years worth of humanity’s progressive technological achievements might be difficult, but most students have asserted that the iPhone appeared to be “irreducibly complex” and must have been introduced to Jobs in a vision from the lord himself.

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January 9, 2010

I happened to come across this image on Facebook and was deeply disturbed by its stupidity. It’s best to just have a look:

Huh? Let’s examine the stupidity:

The root word of Atheism is, obviously, theism. Theism is, by definition, the belief in the idea of a deity, or, indeed, multiple deities (as monotheism is a relatively new invention). Now, when the letter “a” is added to the beginning of a word in the English language it means “not” or “without” (ex. atonal, amoral, asexual). Therefore the word “atheist” obviously means to be without belief in a deity; a rejection of theism, NOT a belief in nothing.

What a joke… who makes these images? And who can seriously, in this day and age, put religion before scientific progress? Science is not a belief system, it’s the best we have with what we’ve been “given”. And with the achievements of science being far more miraculous than all the miracles in the bible combined, one has to wonder how “god” created beings that could outdo the miracles which supposedly proved his existence with such ease…
